Diocesan News

Giving Back to the Futures

Futures 2Futures In Education, the non-profit organization dedicated to helping underprivileged students in Brooklyn and Queens benefit from a Catholic education, closed out the summer with a networking fundraiser at Manhattan’s Hudson Terrace. The event, held Aug. 22 and titled “Kick Back to the Futures,” drew a large crowd with 95 percent new prospects. Guests had the opportunity to meet the Futures In Education team, learn about the organization and take in views of the Hudson River from the venue’s rooftop.

“We’re thrilled to introduce Futures In Education to a group of engaged, passionate future donors,” said Nick Vendikos, director of development for Futures In Education. “The event was a great opportunity for us to share the mission of Futures with a new audience and have a great time in the process. We’re looking forward to hosting a similar event in the fall.”

To learn more about Futures In Education, please visit www.futuresineducation.org.