Over 500 parishioners from 23 pilot parishes and 53 Block 1 parishes in the diocese attended the Generations of Faith Parish Team Celebration on Oct. 21 at Russo’s on the Bay, Howard Beach. The event acknowledged the efforts of pastors and campaign teams that have raised over $60 million from 12,500 gifts for the Generations of Faith capital campaign to fund youth evangelization, care for senior priests and local parish priorities.
A video called “Faces of Faith,” created by campaign team members and volunteers on cell phone cameras was shown at the event. The video featured candid clips from a dozen priests and parishioners being interviewed on their experience participating on their parish campaign team, and highlighted their opinion of the three main focus areas of the campaign.

At first, some were hesitant to participate, but eventually embraced the idea, especially after realizing the impact of the campaign on their individual parish.
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello, diocesan vicar for development, attended the event to personally thank the hundreds of parishioners who have dedicated so much of their time to support Generations of Faith.
“It doesn’t matter what the size of your gift is; what matters is that you’re the gift,” said Msgr. Gigantiello, who is spearheading the campaign.
Generations of Faith, launched publicly this past April, invites more than 1.5 million Catholics in the diocese to participate. It will raise significant funds to strengthen the 186 parishes of Brooklyn and Queens, care for senior priests, and launch a comprehensive youth evangelization program.
For more information, visit www.cfbq.org/generations.