Our Youth

Finding My Place in Church

by Kristen Trahan

About a year ago, I went to St. Joseph Church, Astoria, for the first time, not really having found a church close by that I felt welcomed in. Within the first two weeks of my attendance, there was an announcement at the end of Mass about meeting in the gathering space for coffee and fellowship. I tried to follow any younger parishioners with my eyes to see where they went, not knowing where exactly the gathering space was.

Believe it or not, I’m often too shy to ask about those things! I almost didn’t go. In fact, I was mid-chickening-out. Call it a little push from God, or a personal test of strength. Whichever it was, I just turned right back and walked around the church until I found it. I’m so thankful that I did. I have met and gotten to know such wonderful people who have truly contributed to my life here in Astoria as well as my spiritual life.

I have only been in Astoria for three years. I’m overwhelmed with the growth of our little neighborhood just in the brief time I have lived here. It makes me especially happy whenever I see new faces, people near my own age, in the pews at Mass. This really is a Year of Faith, one I hope will draw people closer to the Church and to each other