The Christmas season was once again a little bit brighter for children and families in the Diocese of Brooklyn and beyond, thanks to the generosity of Tablet readers who heeded the call to help the less fortunate.
Bright Christmas
Bright Christmas Offers a Glimmer of Hope For Families at St. Michael-St. Malachy Parish
The director of religious education at St. Michael-St. Malachy Parish in East New York, Vanessa Garcia-Pinedo said that she strives to maintain the parish’s family dynamic by having parents involved as much as possible.
The Tablet’s Former Business Manager Gives Back to Bright Christmas Fund
Matthew Schiller knows all too well the kind of difference Bright Christmas makes in people’s lives. Having worked as The Tablet’s business manager from 1973 to 1993, he was directly involved with the campaign and learned firsthand how the funds raised would help put a toy in a child’s hands and a smile on their face.
A Pastor and the Parish Paying It Forward for a Bright Christmas
Msgr. Richard Ahlemeyer, pastor at St. Camillus-St. Virgilius Parish, knows very well the value of Bright Christmas.
Bright Christmas: ‘Putting A Smile on a Child’s Face’
Maria Garces is an assistant preschool teacher for a community based organization that services low-income families who also volunteers as a religious education coordinator at Our Lady of Solace Church in Coney Island. Seeking to solicit funds to help buy toys for the 142 Catholic Sunday school students in the parish, she reached out to The Tablet.
William McKenna has been a Bright Christmas Supporter for Over 30 Years
Bay Ridge-born and raised William McKenna knows very well what The Tablet’s Bright Christmas campaign can do. Even after moving first to New Jersey and then retiring to Saugerties, New York, the former president, chairman and CEO of Ridgewood Savings Bank has been a generous donor to Bright Christmas for over 40 years.
Bright Christmas: Students Helping Out Kids At Our Lady of the Snows
For Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy Principal Joseph Venticinque, Christmas is all about kids helping kids. That’s why every year he encourages students to raise money to help those who are lacking presents at Christmas time. And there’s even more encouragement: The Tablet’s Bright Christmas fund helps supplement the money the students raise on their own.
A Note of Gratitude for Our Readers
Once again, it was a memorable Bright Christmas campaign! At the end of a challenging, and quite frankly, devastating year, The Tablet’s readers showed that despite the pandemic and an economic crisis, they remain truly generous. For that, we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Scholars in Diocese Can Continue to Succeed, Thanks to Bright Christmas Campaign
One of the best feelings ever, which many older students can attest to, is when it’s finally the end of the semester. After spending a semester studying and working hard to excel in academics and extracurriculars, they look forward to unwinding and celebrating with their classmates.
Bright Christmas Campaign Helps Bring Families Closer Together at Hour Children
There’s nothing like seeing children’s eyes open wide when they spot wrapped gifts underneath a decorated Christmas tree. Their sprint to the tree reminds one of previous Christmas Day mornings when Santa did get your letter and brought you everything on your list. But being with family while opening up those gifts is really what it’s all about, especially at Hour Children.