Letters to the Editor

Diverting Church Attention

Dear Editor: The Tablet (“He’s Not Turning His Back to the People,” Sept. 3) revealed that Cardinal R. Sarah proposed a return to orientation whereby, priest and laity face the altar during Liturgy of the Eucharist. This adds to the existing litany of post-Vatican II objections. Such issues have generated acrimonious debates and even schism.

These debates divert the Church’s energy and amount to emphasizing non-essentials. The Holy Spirit and the Church spoke as one at Vatican II and personal preferences should be put aside.

Current liturgical orientation whereby clergy and laity face one another with the altar between them makes for greater inclusiveness. It showcases the Real Presence situated at the center of the Mass – the soul and summit of our spiritual worship. In this orientation, supplications intoned by the priest quickly connect with laity unlike when he has his back to them.

Excitement about faith matters is currently waning partly because congregants feel they are not fully involved. Reverting to ancient liturgical traditions will kill inclusiveness taking us back to the moment before Christ’s death when the temple veil parted and re-united God with His people.

Let’s rather intensify debate on how to advance the essence and core of our mission: spreading the Gospel to save souls and celebrating the liturgy more lively with greater participation.

