Letters to the Editor

Distinguished Parishioners

Dear Editor: I was one of the Honorees and it was one of the most exciting and blessed days of my life (“Diocese of Brooklyn Honors Hundreds of “Distinguished Parishioners,” May 4).

My pastor of Our Lady of Angels Church, Msgr. Kevin Noone, chose to recognize me, a parishioner, consolation minister, Minister of the Homebound, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Leader of Arise and Why Catholic Groups, and part-time clerical employee of my beloved Our Lady of Angels church rectory.

All this is nothing compared to the extraordinary love, good works, and devotion of the many parishioners in Bay Ridge’s Our Lady of Angels Church. We are truly united in devotion, love, and active participation in the Liturgy, Youth activities, sports, Holy Angels activities, and of course…worship. We are truly blessed, as am I.

Thank you bishop dimarzio for your recognition.


Our Lady of Angels