
Disdain for Religion Hurts Church’s Message

WASHINGTON (CNS) – “Increasing attempts to expunge God and religious discourse from public life” are contributing to a growing disrespect for the unique status of human beings, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo said in a message for Respect Life Month in October.
Tthe archbishop of Galveston-Houston and chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities linked respect for life to recent moves to silence the voice of people motivated by faith.

“Some now even seek to eliminate religiously motivated people and organizations from public programs, by forcing them to violate their moral and religious convictions or stop serving the needy,” he said.

“The same forces, aided by advertising and entertainment media, promote a selfish and demeaning view of human sexuality, by extolling the alleged good of sexual activity without love or commitment.”

Cardinal DiNardo noted that the theme for the 2011-12 Respect Life program, now in its 40th year, was taken from Jesus’ promise in the 10th chapter of John: “I came so that all might have life and have it to the full.”