Letters to the Editor

Continuing Works of Mercy

Dear Editor: In Up Front & Personal (Dec. 3) Rita Piro writes: “We rationalize that after so many Christmases there couldn’t possibly be anything they (seniors) could or would want.”

However, she rightly points out that there is, but it cannot be bought, even for a million dollars! To a senior who is homebound, a simple phone call is much appreciated, a reminder that s/he is not forgotten. A visit, however short, is delightful. Eyes light up and a smile grows from ear to ear. You have given a gift that money cannot buy and you have shared happiness.

Also, Gabriella Rahoy is a “Woman Upset by Trump” (Readers’ Forum, Dec. 3). I do not blame her. Apparently Trump has a limited vocabulary and does not have a mature vision of women. Rather than complain and criticize him, let us pray for him. He needs all the help he can get! Let all in this nation unite in prayer for the good of all. God is not finished with us yet!


Forest Hills