Letters to the Editor

Congrats, Father Czok!

Dear Editor: We are overjoyed to congratulate Father Robert W. Czok and the Class of 1966 for their 50 years of ordination to the priesthood.

Father Czok is the most wonderful example of a priest that exemplifies the true values that are being challenged in today’s society. He is both humble and sincere while maintaining a great sense of humor.

Since his retirement, he has joined the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants on Saturdays as a witness and as a counselor outside the abortion facility, All Women’s Health Pavilion, which is located on Queens Blvd. Together we are witnesses to life. We act in a peaceful and prayerful manner, and with God’s help, we try to save lives.

Father Czok would be a great advisor to all new priests and seminarians. He could inspire them to be active pro-life Catholics so that they may follow in his footsteps for the next 50 years.


Forest Hills