St. Josephine Bakhita Was a Victim of Modern Day Slavery

January was National Slavery and Human Trafficking prevention month, leading up to the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita whose feast day is Feb. 8. St. Josephine Bakhita was a young southern Sudanese girl who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. She eventually was bought by an Italian diplomat and taken to Venice, where she encountered the Catholic faith.

Compromise Is an Essential Element of Politics & Immigration

Because the issue of migration evokes disparate responses from different parts of the electorate, it never will be resolved unless there are compromises, which are an essential element of our political system. After many years of experience in dealing with migration as a social policy issue, I would like to offer some ideas of how this politically charged social problem might be resolved.

Undocumented Migration: Is it Beneficial or Harmful to Americans?

Many would say undocumented migration is harmful to the country. I would say that undocumented migration is more harmful to the migrants. However, what is the reason why we seem to have tolerated it in our country for the past 40 years? Those who seem to oppose immigration cite the rule of law, whereby illegal migration by definition is presumed to be harmful. On the other hand, we see a labor market, especially in the agricultural and other sectors, that relies heavily on undocumented migration. 

To Move or Not to Move, That Is the Question

A statement titled “The right not to have to migrate” was recently issued by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. But what does the right not to migrate actually mean?