Forsake Not the Work of Your Hands

At Mass, one Sunday every three years, those years when my son’s age is divisible by three, we read from Psalm 138. It ends in a plea for God to “forsake not the work of your hands.”

Freedom at Its Best

“Mandating face masks is unconstitutional and an affront to my freedom.” Despite the scientific wisdom of this mandate, some citizens vociferously reject it.

My Father’s Personal Sacramental

In my 20 or so years of being on the St. Saviour RCIA team, I have repeatedly viewed Father Michael J. Himes’s videos in his “The Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism.”

Spiritual Roots Of Protest

Hordes of protesters have flooded the streets over burning concerns crying to be addressed. Will racism continue to divide society?

Racism has always been a pro-life issue

The global protests over the long-standing plague of white supremacy, most recently manifested in the police and vigilante murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, have put our nation and church on the precipice of monumental change or devastating setback.

Remembering Msgr. John Tosi, a People’s Priest

By Deacon Alexander Breviario In January of 1975, my wife Bernice and I were married by a newly ordained priest at Our Lady of Grace Church in Howard Beach. I wouldn’t say I was strong in my faith back then, but the priest that was preparing us for our marriage and performing the ceremony was […]

Letter to My Post-Quarantine Self

I’m writing to remind you of how things were during the COVID-19 pandemic, to chronicle some lessons you learned, and to remind you of the kind of change you wished to see in your life after lockdown.

The Positive Side of Solitude

Most people do not like to be alone. But why? Solitude comes from the Latin, “solus,” meaning alone, connoting seclusion and isolation. Loneliness has an undesirable connotation of being friendless, rejected, forsaken, and forlorn.

What Do We Mean By ‘Spiritual Communion’?

Sacraments are those signs that achieve in human hearts and lives what they signify to human minds,” University of Notre Dame theologian Jesuit Father Brian Daley once said.