Advent is a time of waiting and expectation, and the violet color that priests wear at Mass during this liturgical season is a symbol of deep longing for the coming of Christ into our lives.
Pro-Life and Uniting the Young and the Old
Persevering in faith through good times and bad, in season and out of season, is something the elderly can teach us a lot about. In what has become a trademark of his pontificate wherever he goes, Pope Francis shares his desire for an alliance between the young and the old — he believes the very future of society depends on it.
The Importance of Respecting Life in All of Its Stages
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
The month of October has been designated by the Bishops of the United States as Respect Life Month. This gives us the opportunity as Catholics to remind ourselves of our obligation to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable from the beginning of life and at every point in between until natural death.
Pope Francis to Visit Thailand and Japan in November
The Holy See Press Office announced that the pope’s apostolic journey will take place from Nov. 19-26. He will first spend four days in Thailand before heading to Japan.
Wyoming Bishop’s Decades of Abuse Destroyed Lives, Traumatized Families
As parishioners attended the Feast of the Assumption Mass inside Guardian Angels Catholic Church on August 15, members of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) gathered outside on the sidewalk for a press conference marking an occasion that many believed would never come.
Youth Views: Tell us about your experience at Camp Veritas, a Catholic youth summer camp.
The Tablet asks students from around the Diocese of Brooklyn a question for the opinion section of the Youth page. This week: St. Sebastian, Woodside.
Sister Marilyn Hartmann
Sister Marilyn Hartmann, C.S.J., a sister of St. Joseph, Brentwood, for 64 years, died in April at the Maria Regina Residence, the sisters’ nursing home.
Metropolitan Museum Celebrates Rock & Roll’s Signature Sound
On the fiftieth anniversary year of Woodstock and for the first time in an art museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will examine the most important objects used to create and perform rock music: the instruments.
Former Boy Scout Bishop DiMarzio Celebrates Mass at Camp
A former Boy Scout himself, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio touted the virtues of the scouts during a visit to Ten Mile River Scout Camps in Sullivan County in the Catskills on July 9.
Celebrating Freedom With Barbecues and Fireworks
While celebrating the Fourth of July this week, I remembered the first time I spent the holiday in the United States almost three decades ago. I grew up in Cuba, where the celebration of national holidays — as with almost any aspect of daily life — was run by the government.