We Are Instruments That Share God With the World

In June of 2008, there were two of us ordained for the Diocese of Brooklyn. It was the singular most important day of my life, a day for which my appreciation has only grown in the 16 years since.

Like the Saints, We Have the Eucharist

We know that the entire Bible is centered on the person of Jesus. Every word points to the Word made flesh, and sometimes you can even find passages written long before His birth that very clearly describe Him.

Two Words on the Lips Of Jesus: ‘Talitha Koum’

How’s your Aramaic? My knowledge of biblical Aramaic is still quite good, even though when I first dove into that language as a graduate student, the textbook we used was no more than a cheap, low-quality photocopy of an out-of-print Aramaic grammar written in Latin by Ludovicus (no doubt his family called him Luis) Palacios.

The Impatience of Job And the Power of God

Translation matters. If you doubt that, consider this! In the King James Version of the Bible (dating to 1611), here’s how the Letter of James invites us to consider the human protagonist of Sunday’s first reading: “Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and
have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy” (Jas 5:11).

The Eucharistic Pilgrimage Is Tied to the Early Church

“Who are these people and what in the world are they doing?”

That’s what plenty of curious people must have been asking last Sunday as the people of our diocese met the Eucharistic procession mid-span on the Brooklyn Bridge and continued the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage through the streets of Brooklyn.

The Trinity Exemplifies Perfect Unity and Love

As we come together on this solemn feast of the Most Holy Trinity, we celebrate the profound mystery of one God in three Persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This day holds a special significance for all of us, inviting us to meditate on the unity and love that binds the Trinity and every one of us in a divine family.

Embrace Our Roles in the Church With Conviction

In the course of our lives, we encounter various experiences that shape our understanding and outlook. Among these experiences are moments of both joy and sorrow, including the solemn occasion of attending funerals, which serve as stark reminders of life’s impermanence.

Our True Power Lies in Our Interdependence

Reflecting on the readings for this weekend’s Mass brings to mind a strong memory from my past, a moment of profound revelation about the power of community and the boundless strength found in unity.