Questions Article’s Timing

Dear Editor: Can The Tablet tell us why Justin Brannan had a profile story in your paper four days before the election and nothing on John Quaglione?

Long-Range Assistance

Dear Editor: As a longtime parishioner of St. Agnes (now a worship site of St. Paul-St. Agnes parish), I was very buoyed by the response of the Diocese to the conditions faced by the citizens of Puerto Rico who were affected by Hurricane Maria. At our two houses of worship, we collected donations from parishioners and community residents for several weeks.

The Informed Conscience

Dear Editor: I am glad we are not living in the era of Pontius Pilate who said: what is truth? We Catholics believe in absolute moral truths; unfortunately the secular world around us keeps eroding it and I am afraid “the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God” indeed (Pope Paul II).

Secretary Will be Missed

Dear Editor: She wasn’t a nun or a priest or a deacon but Valerie Balsamo, parish secretary of St. Luke’s, Whitestone will be missed by all religious and parishioners. Valerie was an integral part of the fabric that bonds the parish of St. Luke as one tight knit family. Valerie passed from this earth on Nov. 1, 2017. How appropriate that day was All Saints Day!

Part of Catholic Culture

Dear Editor: Reading Father Lauder’s column entitled “Conversations with My Favorite Authors,” I was reminded of a work by James Joyce, “A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man.”

Call to Limit Guns

Dear Editor: The President of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, said, “A culture of life cannot tolerate, and must prevent, senseless gun violence in all it’s forms.” How true!

The Spirit of the Age

Dear Editor: Recent letters say Jesuit  Father James Martin merely seeks respect and compassion for gays. Yet Father Martin has avoided inviting them to repentance and reminding them of Our Lord’s, “Go and sin no more.” He rationalizes his attitude with the sophistry that because homosexuals don’t agree with Church doctrine, it means they haven’t “received it,” and therefore are not bound by it.

The Quality of Mercy

Dear Editor: I am so glad to see the article (Oct. 7) written by Father John Catoir.

Remembering Father Gural

Dear Editor: I was a child of seven when I met Father Marion Gural. I think it was love at first sight! He was in charge of both my First Holy Communion and later my Confirmation classes.

Prayer for Terror Victims

Dear Editor: All affected by the pickup truck terrorist that struck on the bike path in Manhattan are in our thoughts and prayers.