True Colors of Congress

Dear Editor: As the Republican Congress moves toward a massive redistribution of wealth to the extremely rich, I think we should be grateful to Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) for telling us what they really think of struggling American working people.

The Land of Israel

Dear Editor: Political propaganda should not be confused with the truths of the Bible which we all believe in. Rosemarie Pace may have a problem with saying that Bethlehem is part of Israel, but the Holy Scriptures make clear that Saul, David and Solomon were Kings of Israel. David was from Bethlehem which in Hebrew means City of Bread. That has been the city’s name from Biblical times. The Bible also makes clear God’s covenant with Abraham regarding the Land of Israel and its promise to his descendants

The Gift of Arthur

Dear Editor: Sister Ave Clark, O.P. has written a memoir dedicated to her friend Arthur Mirell, who died on Easter Sunday 2017 at the age of 70. Arthur had known Sister Ave for more than 10 years. He was a convert to the Catholic faith and was a much loved and admired parishioner of St. Jude’s parish in Brooklyn.

Greenpoint Roots

Dear Editor: My sincerest gratitude for your centerfold tribute to the centennial of the parish of SS. Cyril and Methodius parish, Greenpoint, which was literally the heart and soul of the first decades of my life, as surely for many, and which formed in me the Polish identity which I still cherish.

Bethlehem in Palestine

Dear Editor: I was very pleased to read the article (Dec. 2), “Scouts Bring Peace Light to Diocese from Bethlehem,” except for one glaring phrase.

Youth Minister’s Thanks

Dear Editor: Gratitude and thanks are due to Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, Paul Morisi and the Generations of Faith Fund.

Devil as a Scapegoat

Dear Editor: Evil is real and a product of Original Sin. While Baptism forgives Original Sin, a person still has the free will to access the evil within. Ascribing this evil to an entity outside of oneself, like a devil, minimizes the responsibility of the individual in confronting his or her evil intentions and actions.

Heavenly Fashion

Dear Editor: Perhaps I am becoming a bit prudish in my old age, but I just read that the Theme for the 2018 Met Gala is “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination.” The article said there would be clothing on display from the Sistine Chapel and the event was meant to draw attention to the religious works at the Met.

A Christmas Story

Dear Editor: Two days before Christmas in 1973, it was cold and beginning to snow when I set out from Great Lakes, Ill., at 6 a.m. to get home to my two boys on Long Island. My sons, Tommy and Bobby, were in a foster home in Levittown because my wife had left us. I was in the Navy and hadn’t enough money to fly home. I always kept my promise to my boys and didn’t want to disappoint them.

Superstars or Saints

Dear Editor: In answer to the article on the Youth Page (Nov. 25) about the football players taking a knee to in support of “Black Lives Matter,” I would first like to ask how many of these football players have ever taken a knee to protest Planned Parenthood, and supported the yearly March for Life […]