Growing Up Polish

Dear Editor: I wish to thank Thomas Straczynski for his beautiful evocation (Dec. 16) of growing up in Polish Greenpoint. Actually, it was all quite familiar to myself since I grew up in Our Lady of Czestochowa parish in South Brooklyn. What beautiful memories! FRANCES GALLAGHER Windsor Terrace

Father Lauder on NET-TV

Dear Editor: NET-TV finally found a slot for the worthwhile program called “Catholic Novels.”

President’s Choice of Words

Dear Editor: President Trump needs to carefully choose his words when giving his opinion on issues that he discusses with his staff.

Prayers for Our Leaders?

Dear Editor: Your recent editorial urges Catholics to pray for our leaders and this is, indeed, worthy advice. You also point out that hot-topic books come and go often with little impact and dubious accuracy.

Don’t Hate the Rich

Dear Editor: It is both sad and boring to have to read repetitious left-wing propaganda that tax cuts for the poor and middle class that do not necessarily further persecute the mislabeled “rich,” who already pay most of the taxes in America and create almost all the mechanisms of goods and services we all depend on, be described as exclusively beneficial for these popular objects of popular hatred.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: It was “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and wonderful it was at our 12th annual Operation Christmas Smiles event on Dec. 16 at St. Mary, Mother of Jesus parish.

Pope and President

Dear Editor: The Editor’s Space (Jan. 6) on your expectations for the agendas of Pope Francis and President Trump was puzzling and disturbing.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: I would like to thank you and the kind and generous readers of The Tablet for their donations to the Bright Christmas Fund.

Changing Words of Prayers

Dear Editor: I have personally known five convicted murderers and interviewed hundreds of other criminals, but I do not believe I have ever encountered more appalling and shallow reasoning than the letter advising that we abandon humility and no longer identify ourselves as sinners while praying the Hail Mary.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: Thank you and please thank your readers for their very generous gift to brighten the lives of many young ones and their families this Christmas.