Timely Hearings on Racism

Dear Editor: I think having the listening sessions (on racism) are wonderful and long overdue. Speaking with one another is the only way we can bring healing to ourselves, one another and the wider community.

Wrong View from Egypt

Dear Editor: I fully disagree with Ms. Engy Magdy’s article (July 21), which is both erroneous and biased. The Egyptian police do not differentiate between a female Muslim or a Christian victim of harassment, or any other crime. Egyptian men do respect their fellow Egyptian women even if they are non-Muslims.

More on Immigration

Dear Editor: I wholeheartedly agree that children should never be separated from parents under any circumstance, perhaps with the exception of those who commit a crime other than illegal entry.

Seeking Common Sense in Immigration Debate

Dear Editor: I accept Bishop DiMarzio’s opinion in this matter and as Catholics we are grateful for his opinion – as Catholics! As Americans, we and our elected officials are responsible for dealing with an extraordinary situation on our border.

Newspaper of the Year

Dear Editor: Congratulations to The Tablet for being recognized as “The Newspaper of the Year” at the Catholic Media Conference. Reading it each week is one of my favorite pastimes.

Influences from Russia

Dear Editor: One of the most moving experiences I have had while traveling was a visit to the D-Day beaches on the coast of Normandy, France, where on June 6,1944, allied forces from the United States, Britain, Canada and many other nations began the invasion that would defeat Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

Who Are the Prophets?

Dear Editor: After reading the comments of Mary Geraghty (May 26 ), it seems that being a prophet today has changed from the past. Comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable seems to mean seeking and preserving the good opinion of modern group think liberals.

Paying for ‘Entitlements’

Dear Editor: I want to comment on the letter in the June 16, 2018 Tablet by Frederick Bedell, “Social Security’s Future.” Mr. Bedell wants the government to do something about the coming collapse of Social Security and Medicare.

Reactions to the Tonys

Dear Editor: Tolerance?? Inclusion??? Civility??? I do not expect that from Hollywood celebrities and never did.

Champion of Immigrants

Dear Editor: Despite a torrential downpour, people came out in great numbers to pay their respect to Msgr. Ronald T. Marino, Rector of the Basilica of Regina Pacis, when he celebrated 45 years of his ordination to the priesthood.