Catholicism in Germany

George Weigel wrote recently (“Craving Approval Is Not Evangelizing,” June 6) that Cardinal Marx (president of the German Bishops’ Conference and an adviser of Pope Francis) fails to note that Bishop Ketteler was a German pioneer of the Catholic social teaching that the cardinal advocates.

Well Wishes Father Wlad

As a longtime parishioner of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Astoria, I was saddened to learn that Father Wlad Kubrak was leaving our parish and going to St. Pancras, Glendale. In the short time that he has served our church, he made a strong impression on the parish and me.

Thanks for ‘Boomers’

Thank you for adding the pullout section, “Boomers & Beyond” in this week’s Tablet (Aug. 4). I am sure that I speak for all of us senior readers of The Tablet when I say “thank you.”

Humanae Vitae at 50

Now after its release 50 years ago, we can look back on Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae to see where we have progressed. At the time, there was much resistance, which I believe came from a prophetic teaching that was ahead of technology. Usually the Church is trying to do “catch-up” with new technology. Paul was a visionary!

Northside Memories

Dear Editor: My parents were married at St. Vincent dePaul in 1955. My mother was saddened to hear that the parish was closed, but was pleased that a developer wanted to preserve the exterior of the building. The building had severe structural problems that the developer had to contend with during the renovation and conversion to dwelling units. (“What Happens to a Building When It’s No Longer a Church?” The Editor’s Space, July 21).

Value of Cathedral Prep

Dear Editor: I’m sure that the value of the high school seminary is discerned, analyzed, and evaluated on a regular basis, but the value of Cathedral Prep can not be measured solely by the number of men who immediately continue ordination studies after graduation.

Living Faith by Example

Dear Editor: I enjoyed Father Cush’s article on Sunday’s Scriptures (“True Fathers Teaching True Faith,” July 21), which included the subsequent lesson of teaching the Gospel message through the way we live our lives.

Name Calling Harms Dialog

Dear Editor: Dwayne Ayers’ letter in the July 28 “Readers’ Forum” contains several references to ideas he calls “liberal.” He uses the term five times. In each instance, this is used in a derogatory manner.

Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Dear Editor: As we approach the 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and as we face increasing threats of new nuclear conflicts, I appeal to the Brooklyn Diocese to address this issue in every church. It is one of the most fundamental pro-life issues we could consider, and it is one of the most Catholic issues that our popes and bishops have been addressing for decades, but one many – perhaps most – Catholics don’t realize is such an integral teaching of our faith.

Witnesses for Life

Dear Editor: We read with delight and interest the story and accompanying photo of Emily Faugno (July 11) in The Tablet. We think your readers would be interested to know that Ms. Faugno is not only a maker of rosaries for children she also served as a sidewalk counselor for the Helpers of God’s Precious […]