An Anti-Catholic Bias

Dear Editor: The Democratic Party has demonstrated an anti-Catholic bias that everyone should be aware of. From the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Thomas Perez, to Governor Andrew Cuomo, they are on record admonishing voters that if you are pro-life, you do not belong in the Democratic party.

Intimidation in Schools

Dear Editor: In the Sept. 13, 2018 edition of the NY Daily News, author Christopher Mari stated that there is a man who stands outside his children’s Catholic Elementary School at dismissal attempting to have the parents remove their children from the school due to abuse by priests.

Second-Class Citizens

Dear Editor: Thank you for your article, “Christians, Muslims In Israeli Village Feel ‘Second-Class’ After New Law Passed,” in the Aug. 25 issue of The Tablet.

The Vigano Letter

Dear Editor: Following the release of an 11-page letter by the Vatican’s former nuncio to the United States, the Bishop of Tyler Texas said he found the allegations against the Pope and other senior cardinals and individuals (officials) to be “credible,” and called for a “thorough investigation.”

Sex Crimes with Our Money

Dear Editor: Initially, I was reluctant to write this letter because I have known so many good priests. Also, my anger was so intense that I decided to wait until I could express my anger with factual information in addition to my personal feeling of betrayal.

Trying to Defend Our Faith

Dear Editor: Once again, we hear news of a clergy sex scandal. This angers and saddens me for a number of reasons. The first and most obvious reason is the well-being of the victims of these animals. But it goes much deeper than that. There is the humiliation of good priests who are unjustly associated with the guilty ones. Then there is the embarrassment felt by lay Catholics as they watch the Church established by Christ dragged through the mud by a media that delights in its misfortun

A Crisis in The Church

Dear Editor: Ed Wilkinson’s Sept. 8 column wrongly casts the crisis in the Church in exclusively ideological terms. He attacks the letter of former Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Vigano, which accused many bishops and the Holy Father of failing to act on former Cardinal McCarrick’s history of sexual abuse, as having a “vindictive” tone and accuses him of “throw[ing] so many people under the bus that you just have to question his motives.”

Political Judgments

Dear Editor: Patricia Kenny (“Influences from Russia,” Readers’ Forum, June 30-July 7) praises the heroism of D-Day forces, and then tarnishes that tribute by using their memory to bolster her disturbingly misinformed contemporary political judgments.

Scandals and Reform

Dear Editor: In observing the recent fallout from the McCarrick affair, it is important to note that there is no mechanism to force a Pope to resign.

Don’t Disrespect the Flag

Dear Editor: Kudos to Mr. Amato (Readers’ Forum, “Stand for the Anthem,” Aug. 25). I have long felt the same about these athletes ever since the first one took a knee during the national anthem. Everyone has the right to protest. The laws of this country grant them that right, and I defend that right till my dying day.