Congrats to Ed Wilkinson

Dear Editor: Congratulations to Ed Wilkinson on receiving the Al O’Hagan Community Service Award at this year’s Great Irish Fair!

The Vigano Letter

Dear Editor: Thank you John Allen Jr. for trying to make “sense of McCarrick cover-up charges.”(The Tablet, front cover, Sept. 11). Sadly, your article is not convincing. True, Archbishop Vigano made several allegations in his 11-page memo. If but one or two are true – it is explosive. Did Pope Benedict ever place McCarrick in “time out.” That should be easy to prove without finding or reviewing documents. Just look at his lifestyle between the alleged time out and Pope Francis giving him a “get out of jail card.” Change? If so – guilty.

Kavanaugh’s Hearings

Dear Editor: Ed Wilkinson, in his column of Sept. 15, accuses the Catholic social justice group Network of a lack of knowledge of the proper roles of the different branches of government.

Christ and Class Warfare

Dear Editor: I was exasperated reading Mary Geraghty (Readers’ Forum, “Catholic Values, Sept. 8) reducing the life of Christ to a leftist proponent of class warfare. She calls Him a radical when He was the exact opposite, the perfect reactionary, an enemy of the very revolutions that interpret humanity as a dichotomy between the powerful and the weak.

Vatican-China Agreement

Dear Editor: The Vatican signs a deal with communist China. So the seven illicitly consecrated bishops serving in the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association would now become apostolic?

Papal Visit to the Baltics

Dear Editor: I would like to thank The Tablet for your interesting article in the Sept. 29 edition about Pope Francis’ visit to the Marian shrine in Aglona, Latvia. The Lithuanian community of the Brooklyn Diocese was particularly thrilled by our Holy Father’s historic visit to the three Baltic nations this past month. In addition to his visit to Latvia, our Holy Father also spent two days in neighboring Lithuania, as well as a day in Estonia.

The Roles of Lay People

Dear Editor: I take issue with the statement that “a lay person is supposed to serve in only one function at Mass” in the letter about deacons written by “name withheld” (Readers’ Forum, Sept. 1).

No Time for Pity; Just Pray

Dear Editor: During these dark times, and especially today for me, I want to thank Carol Powell for her powerful and comforting article in last week’s Tablet (Sept. 22), “Why Am I Still A Catholic?”

Reshaping Beliefs, Futures

Dear Editor: I hope all of The Tablet’s readers noted the article “Culinary Program Helps Former Inmates Achieve Success,” (Aug. 18). The writer describes a program in Cleveland where people who had been incarcerated are being taught job skills that can enable them to make a successful re-entry into the community by providing job skills and employability skills.

Unfounded Implication?

Dear Editor: Re: the news report on the ACN global ministry for persecuted Christians (“Big Bang for Small Bucks for Persecuted Christians,” Sept. 22), I take exception to Reinhard Backes’ statement, “It’s a difficult time with the Trumps and Dutertes of the world,” implying that these two leaders similarly persecute Christians.