Honoring Msgr. Casey

Dear Editor: I would like to prayerfully congratulate Msgr. John F. Casey on his 65 year Anniversary as a Priest (“Priests Are Marking Their 65th, 60th Anniversaries,” May 18).

Thank You, Father Labita

Dear Editor: I remember Father Frank Labita from my days in Our Lady of Angels parish, Bay Ridge (“Priests Are Marking Their 65th, 60th Anniversaries,” May, 19). It was a wonderful era to have grown up in. I have only good memories.

God Bless You, Brother Jude

Dear Editor: Brother Jude was my guidance director when I was attending St. Anthony’s H.S. from 1973 through 1977 (“Brother Jude Byrne, O.S.F., Obits, Dec. 15”).

Bishop Kearney HS Closing

Dear Editor: They will never take our strength of excelling or our faith distributed within the educational system (“Bishop Kearney High School Announces Permanent Closure,”May 19). We are 1.2 billion strong and expanding. Good luck to all.

The Death of Jean Vanier

Dear Editor: Monsieur Jean Vanier – an inspiring and zealous member of the planet (“With Death Of Jean Vanier, Catholicism Loses a Living Saint,” May 18). May he continue to inspire countless others to serve our disabled brethren worldwide.

A Fierce Determination

Dear Editor: I had the pleasure of meeting Jessica when she was a baby (“Let Them Speak: Never Be Afraid of Being Yourself,” May 19). She trusted me enough to let me hold her; but I was told to lay her head on the table because she had no control, nor the ability to, lift it or move it on her own.

One of the Best

Dear Editor: Mr. Cloonen is one of the best teachers in the world, if you have him as a teacher he makes Health class fun (“Dream Come True for New McClancy Coach,” May 4). Mr. Cloonen brightens up everyone’s day, that’s my boy.

Thank You, Sister

Dear Editor: I wonder if she took inspiration from St. Peter – the foundational rock that the Church was built upon (“Sister Jane Theresa Bannon, C.S.J.,” Obituaries, Sept. 2018).

Responding to Bob Fallon

Dear Editor: Bob Fallon’s well-intended letter falls short of what is needed to defeat the evil forces of Cuomo and his baby killing cronies (“Legalized Murder,” Readers’ Forum, April 27).
The only thing they understand is votes, so Mr. Fallon, did you vote for any of the infanticide crowd?

Bishop Ford’s Sainthood

Dear Editor: My Aunt Kathy just informed me last night that Bishop Frances X. Ford was my great, great uncle – my great grandmother’s brother (“Diocese Puts Bishop Ford On Road to Sainthood,” Dec. 2017).