A Journey Home: Local Priest Discovers His Roots in Vietnam

Father Randy Nguyen, parochial vicar for St. Patrick’s Church in Bay Ridge, was ordained in 2024 as the first Vietnamese-American priest serving in the Diocese of Brooklyn. He recently got to visit Vietnam for the first time.

Biographer: In 12 Years Since Election, Francis Demonstrates Papacy Is a Mission, Not a Job

As Pope Francis celebrates 12th anniversary of his election in the hospital, the papal biographer told The Tablet that the pontiff has “given a very significant witness these last few years … which in many ways is comparable to the witness that John Paul II gave … demonstrating or communicating that the papacy is for life, that it’s a mission, not a job.”

Pope Fights Fake News With Unprecedented Detail About Health Status

An old saying about the Vatican states that “the pope is never sick until he’s dead,” and this position has held true in various cycles of papal health crises throughout recent history, until now, with Pope Francis’ current hospital stay. Throughout his nearly month-long hospital stay, one of the most noteworthy elements of the ordeal has been the unprecedented level of detail provided in his daily medical bulletins.