Celebrating the Gift of Consecrated Life

World Day for Consecrated Life is an annual recognition and celebration of the vocation to religious and consecrated life in the universal Church. The term “consecrated life” includes religious sisters, both active and monastic, religious brothers, religious order priests, members of secular institutes and consecrated virgins, all of whom are present in the Diocese of Brooklyn. 

Catholic Schools Week Unites Communities

Catholic Schools Week is a time to celebrate the many gifts that Catholic education provides. Our schools are places of learning, faith, and community, where students are encouraged to grow in mind, body, and spirit. 

The Sacred Task Of Journalism Is Not for AI

Perhaps the two most spoken letters in the alphabet today are AI, artificial intelligence, where technology imitates the work of human beings. AI portends the future, is inspiring in the marvels it can accomplish but also instills fear in the changes it will bring.

Survivor Tells Of His Healing

It seems appropriate that this Healing Mass includes a contribution from one of the survivors. Each survivor has had their own individual hurdles to overcome the trauma they experienced. Hopefully some information conveyed here today about my experience can provide solidarity and hope to others to begin or to continue their healing process.  

The Profound Significance of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven

Yes, Tuesday, Aug. 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven (and the patronal feast of the Diocese of Trenton), is a holy day of obligation. Catholics are obliged to attend Mass either on the vigil (the evening before) or on the day itself.

When Most Hispanics Were Catholic …

The trend is clear. As the Hispanic population grows quickly and steadily in the United States, fewer Hispanics self-identify with Roman Catholicism. 

Celebrating Sunday Of the Word of God

The Holy Father established Sunday of the Word of God, which is celebrated on the third Sunday in Ordinary Time — this year on Jan. 22 — as we read in the Apostolic Letter announced on Sept. 30, 2019, in the form of motu proprio “Aperuit Illis.” 

CNS Reflects on 100 Years of Service

Catholic News Service turned 100 years old in 2020. Unfortunately, our birthdate coincided with the start of a worldwide pandemic, and many of our celebration plans were canceled. A highlight, however, was Pope Francis meeting with the CNS Rome staff in February 2021 to mark the anniversary. 

Great Knights For Catholics and Jews

Back when I was a newspaper reporter covering religion, there were two experts from the Jewish community I could always count on for accurate information, precious analysis, and a wonderful sense of humor: Rabbi Leon Klenicki and Rabbi A. James Rudin. 

An Open Letter to The Synod Secretary

The “National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America for the Diocesan Phase of the 2021-2023 Synod,” prepared by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is a very disappointing document, not least because it largely focuses on what the 1% of U.S. Catholics who participated in these “synodal” discussions find wrong with the Church