It’s Now Appropriate To ‘Love’ Abortion?

The playing field between pro-life advocates and abortion zealots has tilted again toward the pro-abortion crowd with recent decisions by lawmakers, publishers, and a left-wing language maven. 

Church Is Wedded to National Marriage Week

As the Church celebrates National Marriage Week, one of the biggest challenges facing parochial ministry in the Diocese of Brooklyn is the plunge in the number of sacramental marriages in our parishes. The diocese has a robust marriage preparation program available in the many languages of our parishioners. 

Moral Decline Leads to a City Where Crime Does Pay

These days, people who have returned to the office may be having a different kind of water-cooler conversation. In the past, what was on TV the night before or game scores may have been the hot topic, but now eavesdroppers may hear them chatting about how utterly frustrating buying a tube of toothpaste at the pharmacy has become. 

Pope Benedict’s Death Is the End of an Era

As the world mourns the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, we see not just the end of the life of a true holy man and brilliant theologian but also the end of an era — his collaboration with Pope Francis. 

This Christmas, Remember Oppressed Catholics

As Christians and Catholics in the diocese prepare to celebrate our Lord’s birth, there are millions of our faithful throughout the world who have a very different Christmas memory and reality. 

Let the Spirit of the Season Thwart Hate

’Tis the season for religious holidays. As Catholics celebrate the advent season, Our Jewish brothers and sisters are preparing to celebrate Hanukkah starting next week amid a rise in antisemitism. 

Honor Mother Mary on Immaculate Conception

As Catholics, there is no single individual to whom we give more honor than the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since the early Church, the clear teaching in our doctrine is that, from the moment of her conception in the womb of Saint Ann, her mother, Mary was freed from the stain of Original Sin, so that she could be the spotless, sinless vessel to carry the Son of God made flesh, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Mary herself is the Immaculate Conception.