Christmas: The Time For the Prince of Peace

We gather in the radiant light of Christmas, celebrating the profound mystery of the Incarnation — God taking on human flesh. The second person of the Most Blessed Trinity, the Son of God, is born into our fallen yet redeemed world. Amidst the joy of this sacred season, let us reflect on one of his titles proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah: Christ, the “Prince of Peace.”

Advent Season Has Long Ties to Migrants

It’s amazing how some things haven’t changed during the Advent season. More than 2,000 years ago, a young couple traveled to a strange land. The woman was pregnant, and the husband was a humble carpenter. The town of Bethlehem was not so welcoming to the newly arrived migrants. There were no accommodations for them, so they had to find a manger for Mary to welcome the first arrival of Jesus.

Jesus: The Reason For the Season

As we pulled out the Thanksgiving leftovers for a weekend meal, we found ourselves preparing to celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. As much of 2024 time seems to be accelerated at a far quicker pace than years past, we need to set aside some time for personal reflection of the reason for the season.

A Month Honoring Faith and Social Justice

Black Catholic History Month is celebrated every November in the United States to honor the significant contributions of black Catholics to the Church and to remember the rich history, faith, and resilience of black Catholics in the face of historical challenges.

Thanksgiving Tidings From The Tablet

Greetings on Thanksgiving Day. While a slight majority of the nation may be thankful this year, given the election results earlier this month, it may not be a topic you wish to explore.

Catholic Influence Has Split Election Outcomes

Catholics came out in force on Election Day to have a dramatic impact on the presidential race on the national stage but had less effect on abortion measures on the state level.

Recognizing the Sacrifice of Military Chaplains

As the nation comes together on Nov. 11 to honor all who served in the armed forces on Veterans Day, we want to draw attention to the role of military chaplains. Military chaplains are called to be spiritual guides and to minister to so many members of our Armed Forces. These women and men, representing all faiths, have a daunting task — to ask a force to be mindful of the presence of God, who is a God of peace, not war, in the midst of conflicts. 

Strike Down Prop 1 On Tuesday’s Ballot

This Tuesday is Election Day, and while many people have a clear choice for their presidential candidate, here in New York, we have a ballot proposal misidentified as an “Equal Rights Amendment” or Proposition 1. As Bishop Robert Brennan wrote in his recent column, “The text of Proposition 1 is broadly written and, if enacted, […]

Catholic Power and The Ballot Box

The presidential election is just over a week away, and many readers have already made their choice — and some have already voted. On a return flight from his recent Southeast Asia trip, Pope Francis was asked if there were situations when a Catholic could vote for a candidate who was in favor of abortion. 

Catholics Reach Out To Hurricane Victims

Over the past two weeks, we have seen Catholics putting their faith into action, and both national and local Catholic relief organizations have mobilized to meet the material and spiritual needs of hurricane victims in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida.