It Will Be a Palmless Sunday at Most U.S. Parishes

Don’t expect any palms this Passion Sunday. And distribution of palms later in the year might not happen, either, according to Rita Thiron, executive director of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions.

Catholic Events Canceled, Moved Online in Wake of Coronavirus Pandemic

The best-laid plans of Catholics across the country have been upended, as colleges and universities are now canceling commencement ceremonies and a range of high profile conference and gatherings have been nixed, postponed, or switched to new formats as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nursing Home Staff, Residents Adjusting To New Way of Life

A normal day at Queen of Peace residence home is filled with people and human interactions. Meals, Mass and recreation are what bring nearly 80 senior citizens, staff and Little Sisters of the Poor together at the Queens Village assisted living facility.

States Doing Best to Calm ‘Mass’ Hysteria

Catholic bishops across the United States have banned public Masses and opted for a virtual celebration of the sacraments as the nation continues to be roiled from the COVID-19 pandemic, but throughout the country, governors are issuing mixed guidelines on policies for houses of worship.

Pope: ‘We Implore You … Wake Up, Lord!’

On Friday, March 27, under a persistent light rain coming down from a gray Roman sky, and facing an empty St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis imparted a special Urbi et Orbi, the blessing “to the City [of Rome] and to the World” that is normally only given on Christmas and Easter.

Priests in Ireland Under Pressure to Celebrate Funeral Masses During the Pandemic

Despite regulations established by civil and ecclesiastical authorities to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, many priests in remote areas of Ireland are feeling pressure to celebrate funeral Masses. In rural parishes, funerals are “big occasions for the community,” according to Father Brendan Hoban, co-founder of the Irish Association of Catholic Priests.