Stress Can Make Your Hair Fall Out

Dear Dr. Garner, I read your column every week, and I have a question. While I know that this is not as serious as some of the other topics you address, I would like to know if it is possible to lose your hair due to aggravation. When my kids entered high school, I had […]

Don’t Take Life Sitting Down

Dear Dr. Garner, I saw you on TV last week talking about the harmful effects of sitting too much. What I would really like to know is whether the harmful effects of sitting can be undone, maybe by working out. I am an avid exerciser who runs at least 30 minutes daily. My weight and […]

Low-Dose CT Scan May Save Smokers

Dear Dr. Garner, First, I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Now I have a question that I hope you can help resolve. My husband has been a heavy smoker all of his life. His doctor orders chest X-rays each year to see if he has any early sign of cancer. Fortunately, everything […]

Tips to Lower Risk of ‘Christmas Coronary’

Dear Dr. Garner, I hope my story can be of help to others. Every year, Christmas is sad for me. About five years ago, my husband was out shoveling snow on Christmas Day, and had a sudden heart attack and passed away. I feel that if he had listened to me and taken it easy, […]

Free Yourself from Unnecessary Anxiety

Dear Dr. Garner, I am writing to you out of desperation. About two years ago, my husband had a heart attack while out for a walk. For more than 12 hours, I did not know his whereabouts. Now, every time he’s a little late coming home, I start to worry. This is only part of […]

Enjoy Holly, Jolly and Hangover-Free Parties

Dear Dr. Garner, With Christmas and New Year’s upon us, I will be attending several parties to enjoy some good food and drinks with my colleagues and friends. When I go out, I like to drink scotch. My friends tell me that if I drink vodka, I have less of a chance of getting a […]

Coping with Obesity Epidemic in Children

Dear Dr. Garner, I am very upset. My 12-year-old son is overweight (more than 100 pounds), and he is constantly getting made fun of by the other children. Besides the emotional pain, he actually has physical pain in his knees when he walks, which I think is due to his weight problem. His blood sugar […]

Risks and Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

Dear Dr. Garner, I am writing because I am a 54-year-old male who just doesn’t quite feel the same as I used to feel. I don’t have the same zest for living and am generally sluggish. When I went to my doctor, he told me that I could benefit from testosterone therapy. I have been […]

Depression Is More Than Feeling Sad or Having the Blues

Dear Dr. Garner, For the past two months I am constantly sad. I have no interest in socializing, getting dressed nicely or going out to dinner. My appetite is terrible. I have difficulty concentrating and making decisions. My husband thinks I have a case of the blues. He wants to take me to Florida for […]

Keeping Your Anger Levels in Check

Dear Dr. Garner, I hope you can help me. It has become very difficult to live with my husband. He is constantly angry. It is disrupting our family life. He never hits anyone but is never happy. Is there any way to help stop this behavior? He was not always like this. Angry Husband in […]