Easter and Friendship

Though, at times, I may take friendships for granted, even the briefest reflection on them reminds me what great treasures friends are.

Friendships Can Illuminate Faith

Father Michael Paul Gallagher, S.J., suggests that if people are going to appreciate the “surprise of Christ,” then they have to take time to think about what is deep in their own lives.

Cultural Catechumens

Father Gallagher believes, as do many contemporary Catholic theologians, that we often need to get in touch with ourselves before we can be ready to accept the Good News of Christ.

Liberation of the Holy Spirit

This is the second column in a series EARLY ON IN HIS “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life” (New York: Paulist, pp. 142, $12.95), Father Michael Paul Gallagher, S.J., points out that his book is about liberating our human depths so that we might be open to God’s wonderful revelation. He writes […]

Father Lauder’s 49th Friday Film Festival

The 49th Friday Film Festival, presented by Tablet columnist Father Robert Lauder and the diocesan Office of Faith Formation, School of Evangelization, will run at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, March 20 through May 1. Here is the schedule: – John Ford’s “The Quiet Man,” March 20 – Fritz Lang’s” The Woman in the Window,” […]

Films Educate, Enrich And Challenge Us

ANYONE WHO READS this column with any regularity knows that I am very interested in film. I have been since my days in graduate school studying philosophy. During the three years that I spent in graduate school, some of the great films from Europe were beginning to appear in this country. By viewing films by great directors such as Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, Robert Bresson and Vittorio De Sica, I came to believe that a diet of serious films could have a powerful impact on a person’s consciousness and conscience.

Preambles to Faith

Lenten season I decide to read a book that I think will help me observe the season better. This year, I picked a beauty. It is Jesuit Father Michael Gallagher’s “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life” (New York, Paulist Press, 2003, pp. 142, $12.95). Father Gallagher deals with problems that have been on my mind for years.

Preambles to Faith

First in a series

OFTEN DURING THE Lenten season I decide to read a book that I think will help me observe the season better. This year, I picked a beauty. It is Jesuit Father Michael Gallagher’s “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life” (New York, Paulist Press, 2003, pp. 142, $12.95). Father Gallagher deals with problems that have been on my mind for years.

Pope Francis’ Spirituality

On Saturday, March 7, I am scheduled to make a presentation about Pope Francis as part of a daylong women’s conference devoted to him at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston. My presentation will be part of a panel discussion.

Practicing to Disengaged: Young Catholics and The Church

Late last year, I spent an evening at The Catholic Worker House, 55 East Third St. in Manhattan. I usually invite myself over to The Worker once a year to give a lecture. Whenever I go, I hope that I will have something to say that interests the 50 or 60 people who might attend. On […]