Stories Filled with Faith, Hope and Charity

While writing this series of columns about how persons freely create their own stories, I have tried to emphasize the presence of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives.

The Beauty of a Heroic Story Offers Redemption

During the last few weeks, writing this series of columns about how we, along with God, freely create our life stories, has helped me understand my own history better.

Creating a Personal Culture Through Your Faith

In last week’s column I tried to suggest the possibility of each person of faith creating a personal religious culture. Trying to be a Catholic in a secular culture is not easy.

The Blending of Faith And Artistic Creativity

If the pandemic has taught me anything about my life of faith, I hope it has taught me the importance of being still and silent with God, or at least sometimes listening to rather than speaking to God.

A Novelist Writes About Her Catholic Faith

For several years before the pandemic I moderated an adult education course on the Catholic novel. It was a wonderful experience for me and apparently for many of those who attended the course. I cannot recall the number of years I offered the course. Perhaps more than 15 years.