Diocesan News

Priests, Sisters Inspire Young Catholics During Diocesan Vocation Fair

Bishop Robert Brennan greets some of the 350-plus participants for the Youth Holy Hour and Vocation Fair on March 21 at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston. (Photos: Bill Miller)

DOUGLASTON — Emmanuel Torres attends a Catholic high school, but he finds the stories of public-school-educated priests and religious are especially inspiring.

Torres made the comment during the Youth Holy Hour and Vocation Fair led by Bishop Robert Brennan on March 21 at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston.

Speakers at the gathering were Sister Jessica Castillo of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) and Sister Mercedes Torres of Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. 

Both religious sisters grew up in the diocese but attended public schools. 

Sister Jessica Castillo addresses the Holy Hour, March 21, at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston.

By contrast, Emmanuel is a sophomore at Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary in Elmhurst. He said the sisters inspired him with their testimonies of growing up Catholic but still needing spiritual transformations to follow their own vocations.

“The best always comes from sisters or priests who come from public schools,” Emmanuel said. “They grew up being very distant to God but then ended up being very close to him.”

Torres’ family attends St. Agatha’s Parish in Sunset Park, where his father, Alonzo Torres, is a deacon. The student said he is discerning a vocation, possibly pursuing the diaconate like his dad.

Sister Mercedes Torres also addresses the gathered youth. Both sisters are from Brooklyn. (Photo: Bill Miller)

Following the Holy Hour was a career fair featuring information tables with religious brothers and sisters representing a dozen communities. Priests representing various religious orders also participated. 

It was the second time in 2025 that youth from throughout the diocese gave up the frivolity of Friday night to attend a standing-room-only Holy Hour with Bishop Brennan.

The first such event filled the Cathedral Basilica of St. James on Jan. 10 to commemorate the start of the global Jubilee Year. 

RELATED: Hundreds of Youth & Young Adults Gather for a Jubilee Holy Hour

On March 21, an estimated 350 youth and young adults filled the Immaculate Conception Chapel. Joining them were parents, religious sisters and brothers, youth ministers, and seminarians.

Bishop Brennan leads Eucharistic adoration during the holy hour. (Photo: Bill Miller)

Before the event, Bishop Brennan stood outside, greeting young participants.

Later, he told the Holy Hour congregation how, earlier that day, the chapel was the 15th stop on the 2025 Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage. Participants engaged in Eucharistic adoration, Mass, reconciliation, and prayer.

“We had people coming and going,” Bishop Brennan said. “But some spent the whole day, and a lot of them were praying for you — the young people of our diocese, so remember that as well.”

Bishop Brennan said he was “deeply moved” by the youthful Holy Hour turnouts on Jan. 10 and March 21.

“It tells me God is doing amazing things in Brooklyn and Queens, and not only that, a lot of really good and talented people are cooperating with God,” Bishop Brennan said. “We have really good leaders in the parishes who promote these (events) and help the young people to get here.”