Diocesan News

Bishop DiMarzio Golf Classic Aids Special Ed For Kids

The annual Bishop DiMarzio Golf Classic, held by DeSales Media Group on July 14, 2016 raised $100,000 that was donated to the Catherine Laboure School for special education run by the Diocese of Brooklyn.  More than 130 golfers took to the course at North Hills Country Club in Manhasset, L.I.  J.A. Jennings, left, president of J.A. Jennings Inc. builders, and Msgr. John J. Bracken, second from left, administrator of St. Francis de Sales parish, Belle Harbor, were the guests of honor. Former New York Mets’ shortstop Bud Harrelson and New York Jets’ lineman John Schmitt, bottom left, were presented the St. Sebastian Special Achievement Award. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio was on hand to present the awards, along with Msgr. Kieran Harrington, vicar for communications, and Art Dignam, CEO of DeSales Media. The winning foursome was comprised of Walter McNally, Richard Schiller, Steven Kreit and David Warshauer.