All Should Be One

This past Tuesday, Oct. 31 was the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. This is hardly a day that we should celebrate. More than ever, it is an occasion for which prayer, work, and study are essential for both Catholics and Protestants.

Daily Gratitude Journal

Dear Editor: To add to your Aug. 5 article on “Ways to Nourish Your Spiritual Side,” keeping a daily gratitude journal along with anecdotes on negative occurrences and the positive value of them contributes to my spiritual growth.

An Assault Upon Doctrine

Dear Editor: In the Oct. 14 letters, Edward Dorney makes the insultingly absurd claim that George Weigel “implied” that “anything other than what Weigel believes is heretical” and that he aligned himself with a “take back my Church” sentiment which Weigel expressly condemned as misguided.

A Blessing for the Parish

Dear Editor: I am sure at one time or another many parishioners have felt they have been blessed to have a very special priest assigned to their church. I am fortunate be one of those people who has been blessed to have a very special priest whose pastoral care has been entrusted to my parish of St. Francis of Paola in Williamsburg.

Culture of Life Hero

Dear Editor: I read with interest Bishop DiMarzio’s column (Oct. 14) on the uphill battle to re-establish a Culture of Life in American society today.

Two Views on Fr. Martin

Dear Editor: I am replying to Pat Giangrande’s letter (Oct. 7) in which was mentioned that Father James Martin, S.J. said numerous heretical “things” in his book, “Building Bridges.”

Columbus the Immigrant

Dear Editor: Bravo to Bishop DiMarzio for his excellent reflection, “Columbus Was the Original Immigrant” (Oct. 21).

Being Mistaken for a Priest Was a Sign

VERY OFTEN people will ask me why I chose to become a priest. My answer is that God chose me first (John 15:16). Let me share with you a story that helped me in my discernment.

Go, Learn and Live The Greatest Law

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“BROTHERS AND SISTERS … you became imitators of us and of the Lord, receiving the word of God even in suffering but with joy from the Holy Spirit so that you might be a model for all around you who are believers.” (1 Thessalonians 1:5c)

Life-Saving Decisions

The draft document of the Strategic Plan 2018-2022 for the U.S. Government’s Health and Human Services just was released in September. It states: