Talking About Racism With the Family

by Dr. Hosffman Ospino

IN A RECENT column, I related the conversation that my wife and I had with our young son about race. We talked about how incisive and damaging stereotypes about Hispanic people are in the Church and society.

Catholics Are Compelled To Honor the Dead

by Rita Piro

November is well known as the time of year when the Church remembers her dead. Right on the heels of the joyous All Saints Day, Nov. 1, comes the more somber All Souls Day, Nov. 2, when we remember those we love who have been called home to God.

Priest from Williamsburg Gave a Feisty Witness to Priesthood

“The Heroic Priesthood of Father William B. Farrell 1857-1930: Fighting Anti-Catholicism, Government Corruption and Waterfront Gangsters in New York” by Rev. Brian Jordan, O.F.M. Edwin Mellen Press (Lewiston, New York, June 2017) pp. 204.

Response-Ability Is A Work in Progress

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“COME INTO GOD’S presence in holy attire” (Psalm 96) … “remember that the Gospel did not come to you in word alone, but in power, in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction” (1 Thessalonians 5b).

Great Gift of Chastity

Dear Editor: Thank you, Father David Bertolotti, for that wonderful letter (Oct. 14) explaining the Courage Apostolate that serves people with same-sex attraction.

Views on Taking a Knee

Dear Editor: I think NFL players should be required to stand during the national anthem. It is very disrespectful for them to kneel or sit down. They can protest on their own time outside the stadium or stay off the field until the game begins.

The Cathedral Faculty

Dear Editor: In the 1960s, several simple parish priests were tasked to join other priests in teaching minor seminarians at Cathedral Prep/College of the Immaculate Conception located on the corner of Atlantic and Washington Aves. in Brooklyn.

Father Martin’s Welcome

Dear Editor: I am responding to a recent letter about Jesuit priest Father James Martin. I recently attended a lecture given by Father Martin in a Catholic church. Following the talk, I met him at a book signing and was able, as a heterosexual human being, to spend a few minutes discussing church matters with him.

Pro-Choice Is Pro-Abortion

Dear Editor: Letter writer Tom Morano (Oct. 7) has some good points as to why he supports certain persons for public office. These are issues that should have universal concern. But what he misses in his opinion is that abortion is the killing of a human baby.

The Church Has Courage

Dear Editor: With all of the controversy surrounding Father James Martin, S.J., people are getting the impression that the Catholic Church is doing nothing for those experiencing same-sex attraction.