Culture of Death

On Ash Wednesday a bloody rampage by a crazed young man, Nikolas Cruz, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas H.S. in Florida, killed 17 people and wounded 14 others. This is a tragedy and a massacre of innocents.

2017 Generations of Faith

2017 saw the continued success of the diocesan wide Generations of Faith campaign as it has moved into the pledge collection phase, due to the efforts, enthusiasm and dedication of donors across Brooklyn and Queens.

2017 Annual Catholic Appeal

Supporters of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens’ 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal have aided in fulfilling the mission of the diocese to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: On behalf of the people of St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral parish, I write to express my sincere gratitude for The Tablet’s Bright Christmas donation. I know your gift made a real difference in the lives of 20 different families.

Catholics Can Read

Dear Editor: By discouraging (Jan. 13) the reading of “The Dictator Pope,” and “Fire and Fury,”you are giving credence to the supposition that Catholics are sheep without intellectual curiosity and unable to distinguish fact from fiction.

Truth v. Relativism

Dear Editor: Anyone with a sense of the Christian paradoxical, the light of truth spoken by Our Lord throughout the Gospels and replicated rhetorically by luminaries like Chesterton and Lewis, knows that there is no greater foolhardiness than a mind seeking to prove its intelligence or greater cruelty than a life trying to prove benevolence.

Party Values First?

Dear Editor: In response to Edmond Farrell, Feb. 3, The Killing Goes On – i.e. in 45 years an estimated 60 million babies have been aborted. I completely agree with him that many Catholics put Democratic Party values ahead of our religious and traditional moral values.

Discussion Not Bickering

Dear Editor: I read your editorial (Jan. 13) entitled “Stop Bickering” and I take great exception to your opinion. I do not consider concerned citizens speaking their minds as bickering. These are no ordinary circumstances and Donald Trump is no ordinary president. Citizens of this already great country have a right and obligation to educate themselves about their leaders and to call them out when necessary.

Everyone Has a Story! You Just Have to Listen!

In his captivating and energetic new book “The Written World: The Power of Stories to Shape People, History, Civilization,” the Harvard University professor Martin Puchner writes: “The impulse to tell stories… is so fundamental that it is as if this impulse is biologically rooted in our species.