Five Momentous Years

POPE FRANCIS HAS led the Church for the last five years, smelling his sheep throughout the world. He has been sensitive to the pastoral needs of his flock, showing deep concern for the poor and the marginalized.

Why Did He Do It?

WHY DID HE do it? I mean really, why did Judas betray Christ? There are so many theories.

Working Together to Foster Vocation Ministry

AS THE DIOCESE of Brooklyn continues to celebrate the Year of Vocations with the theme “Reawaken the Call,” it encourages everyone to become involved in this important ministry in the life of the Church.

Scouting for Food at Our Lady of Mercy

Scouting for Food at Our Lady of Mercy; Devine Mercy Lent and Easter; Hear Brooklyn Voices at SJC ; Fun And Prayer for St. Saviour H.S.

Come, Renew Your Covenant with God

ON THIS FIFTH Sunday of Lent, we read from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, who speaks the word of the Lord. Our loving and just God states, through the prophet:

Like a Good Donkey, Be the Beast of Burden

In many parts of the world right now parishes, towns, villages and even whole cities are preparing for the presentation of their annual Passion Play/ Easter Pageant. First staged in 1634, the well-known Passion Play of Oberammergau in Bavaria, Germany began the tradition of the live reenactment of the final period of Jesus’ life from his arrival to Jerusalem to his crucifixion. In the United States, the Park Performing Arts Center in Union City, N.J. is home to the longest running Passion Play in America.

St. Joseph’s Day Success at St. Pancras

St. Joseph’s Day a Success at St. Pancras; Compassion in Action: Lent; Hymn Festival; Spring into Less Stress; George W. Hudson Council 3701 in Woodsid; Congratulation to Our Lady of Trust’s Ms. Re

High School Memories

Dear Editor: Memories of Bishop McDonnell H.S.: Oh, the excitement of the class trip to Rye Beach, lunch in a small shoe box and a quarter for carfare and a drink.

Theology and Science

Dear Editor: Father Lauder’s insightful review of Marilynne Robinson’s essays (Feb. 17) criticizes scientism as the enemy of religion, but stops short of naming blind adherence to doctrine as its mirror opposite. We believers continue to confuse faith with religiosity, which requires hostile opposition to justify orthodoxy. Both scientism and inflexible dogmatism deny the fullness of God’s creation.