He Endures Until He Triumphs

LUCY KIRKWOOD’S play, “The Children,” recently closed on Broadway. Although personally I would not call it “entertaining,” it was one of the most thought- and conversation-provoking productions I have seen.

Catholic Values

In a well-written piece in The Wall Street Journal (March 23), Cardinal Timothy Dolan reminded us of his tremendous academic prowess as a scholar of U.S. Catholic Church History. Ever the teacher and the storyteller, His Eminence takes us through the lives of two people, both Catholics and New Yorkers, Archbishop John Hughes of New York, an Irish immigrant (1842-1864) and Dolores Grier, an African-American, who served as vice-chancellor of the archdiocese of New York and a tireless advocate for the sanctity of life.

Our High Holy Days

Once again, we come to Holy Week, and we are reminded that these are our “High Holy Days.” These are the days in which we recall the life-giving events of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Parishes are preparing their churches and chapels, lectors are getting ready to proclaim well the Word of God, servers are learning the rituals of the Sacred Triduum (and priests and deacons are trying to remember them again, having not had to perform them since last year!).

Words Still Ring True

Dear Editor: The Tablet (March 10) brought the very happy news that Blessed Pope Paul VI will be a declared a saint in late October. It brought back such great memories of his one-day visit to New York City to address the United Nations in early October 1965

Distinctions on Immigration

Dear Editor: Addressing my previous letter, Edith Newman says we accomplish nothing by vilifying people who are fleeing terror and we should monitor our own attitudes and the adherence to moral principles by our government.

Values of Catholic Voters

Dear Editor: The discourse in The Tablet over the last year has been somewhat perplexing. We have a President in Donald Trump, who is squarely on the side of the pro-life movement, always uses faith and God in his speeches, and seeks to protect and serve the citizens of the U.S. 

Focus on Forgiveness

Dear Editor: As Lent is a period of reflection, sacrifice, and for many, renewing ties to their Christian faith, the theme of forgiveness has been the focus of many discussions in the faith-sharing group which I attend at Sacred Heart parish in Bayside.

Holy Week: Our Personal Walk with Christ

Spiritual writer, Kathleen Norris, in her book, “The Cloister Walk,” shares her Holy Week schedule. It includes morning prayers, choir rehearsal, evening liturgy services but what I really noticed, was right smack in the middle of her afternoons, she wrote “NAP!!!” Yes, in capital letters and extra exclamation points.