What Do You Say to One Abused by a Priest?

“You want to know why I don’t go to church anymore, look at the front page of the New York Post!” I was taken aback as a groom I was preparing for marriage called me and said that to me. I had not read the Post, so I asked him to hold on for a moment and I asked a retired priest I was living with for his copy.

Let’s Calm Down

This past week, President Donald J. Trump, along with a coalition of world leaders, including the United Kingdom and France, took military action against the violence of Bashar al-Assad’s regime on its own people in Syria.

You Can’t Pray a Lie

DESPITE ALL THE controversy about it, the novel “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain remains my favorite novel in American literature.

50 Years Since MLK

1968 was a year that changed history. In the Church, we saw Blessed Pope Paul VI issue his prescient encyclical, “Humanae Vitae,” in which he predicted that a contraceptive mentality would lead to an abortive reality. This has sadly proven to be the case.

Fr. Dagoberto’s Legacy

Dear Editor: “Next week will be spring,” my friend replied after I complained that society is upside down. He said the lack of light makes people irrational. In that week I had been pushed, screamed at and threatened on the subways and buses – but that’s a letter to a different paper.

Guns and Politics

Dear Editor: It’s not surprising to find conventional liberal talking points in letters lamenting the Parkland tragedy that distort rather than provide a Christian perspective.

Fred Rogers Understood the Holiness of the Ordinary

Teachers and media producers who care about early childhood education should check out the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., where Fred’s philosophy of media is being applied in new and creative ways so that his legacy of caring and wisdom can be carried forward.

Seeing with Easter Eyes of Faith

by Jem Sullivan

IN THE AFTERMATH of Jesus’ violent death by crucifixion, his disciples were left shaken and doubtful. The risen Jesus’ appearances to his disciples moved them from fear to hope, and from doubt to faith.