Take That Bold Step Into the Unknown

by JohnPaul Obiaeri I CAN WRITE a book on my vocation journey so far, but permit me to share the concise version with you. I was six when my Dad passed away. All I could recall about him was his caring nature. I was born in the city, but moved down to the village to […]

Not Expecting Much from Cuba’s New President

On April 19, the new legislature of the National Assembly, the Cuban parliament, after declaring itself officially in session, elected the new State Council, and Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez as its president, who in Cuba is the chief of state and is also president of the Council of Ministers.

Satan Is Real

The past week in Rome, the Vatican offered a course for priests appointed by their dioceses to serve as exorcists. These priests are specifically chosen by their bishops and religious superiors to engage in this intense training which was held at the Pontifical University “Regina Apostolorum” from April 16 to 21.

Greenpoint Idol

Dear Editor: In the 1940s, our neighbor Margie Greenwood sang on Major Bowes’ Amateur Hour.

Remembering Rusty

Dear Editor: We attended the funeral Mass for Rusty Staub in St. Edward’s Roman Catholic Church in Palm Beach, Fla.

Catholics on the Tube

Dear Editor: It is a given that the cable/satellite channel Fox News presents itself unabashedly as America’s bastion of all that is good and wholesome in government, culture, and social conduct, a beacon of traditional values and moral rectitude.

Beauty of the Organ

Dear Editor: Roseanne Cleary (“Funeral vs Funereal,” April 7) writes: “…heavy, plodding dirges from antiquated church organs that threatened to suck the very air from our souls.” She seems to overlook the fact that the organ is still the official musical instrument of the Church.

No Lack of Vocations, Just Responses

THE WORDS OF the second reading at Mass today are some of the most bittersweet in all of St. John’s writings. How beautifully he reminds us to “see what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called ‘children of God.’”

The Harvest Is Rich, Pray for More Laborers

THIS SUNDAY MARKS the 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publicly fulfill the Lord’s instruction to “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.”