The Call to Holiness

IN THE CONTEMPORARY crisis of faith, Pope Francis speaks to all of humanity through his latest apostolic exhortation, “Gaudete et Exsultate” (“Rejoice and Be Glad”). It is his understanding of holiness, based on Ignatian spirituality. It furthers the principle he holds so dear to his ideology, that reality is greater than ideas.

Thanks, Mom!

Motherhood never goes out of style. No matter how much people try to blend the genders in an attempt to achieve equality, the simple fact is that everyone appreciates the beauty of being a mother. Ask any mom, she tells you that there’s nothing else like the bond between mother and child.

Not So Funny

There has rarely been more of a hostile environment between the mainstream press, the popular culture, and the White House. President Donald J. Trump, because he is the President, and because of his positions, his policies, and his persona, is constantly mocked.

Sweet Spots and Sacrifices

I HAVE NO business singing high C.

The second a hymn starts, I can tell by the notes whether the song’s range is in my comfort zone. Solidly alto, I am happiest singing F, G and A above middle C.

A Trusting Silence

THERE IS A figure, a person who saturates the Scriptures that we read during the Easter season. While she permeates every word, and embodies the grace therein, she is silent and mostly invisible.

The Power of Courtesy

“Be known for your courtesy: It alone can make you worthy of praise. Courtesy is the best part of culture, a kind of enchantment and it wins the goodwill of all, just as rudeness wins only scorn and universal annoyance.

Questions Plowshares Story

Dear Editor: Like most of your readers, I love the holy Catholic faith. Naturally, I am filled with deep sorrow when I come across an article about church property being vandalized, as was reported by The Tablet (Feb. 18, Vandalism Strikes Again at American Martyrs Church). Judging by the title and the accompanying photos showing the damage inflicted on the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it was unequivocal to the reader that The Tablet was justifiably disturbed by such vandalism of church property in our home diocese and condemned such irrational acts.

Respectful Church Music

Dear Editor: I find the recent letters on the music for liturgy very interesting. I remember as a young boy going to Rockefeller Center and there was always a segment of organ music played live. I remember when the organ was the only instrument in churches and I did survive.

Action vs. Indecent TV

Dear Editor: I praise letter writer Thomas G. Straczynski for his extraordinarily well-written description (April 21) of what has become of the entertainment industry, particularly Fox’s show “The Mick.” This show has been an abomination and a ghastly attack on our country’s Christian beliefs, and its morality and code for civilized behavior. The show has been exploitive of the child actors it pays, as well as condoning the horrific language and behavior of the cast characters used against one another.