Father Patrick Dorelus

Father Patrick Dorelus, 41, was born to a devout Catholic family in Haiti.

Father Jose Diaz

The invitation to discipleship for Father Jose Diaz, 28, came in the form of a letter from a concerned friend during high school.

Holy Orders: At the Service of Communion

The rite of ordination bestows upon the new bishop, priest or deacon a special gift of the Holy Spirit, which enables him to exercise a “sacred power” for the service, upbuilding and communion of the Church.

Father Hung Xuan Cao

Father Hung Xuan Cao, 36, was born into a peasant farming family in central Vietnam.

Champion of Immigrants

Dear Editor: Despite a torrential downpour, people came out in great numbers to pay their respect to Msgr. Ronald T. Marino, Rector of the Basilica of Regina Pacis, when he celebrated 45 years of his ordination to the priesthood.

Inspired by Plowshares

Dear Editor: The Plowshares movement mentioned in a letter (June 16) was my first exposure to radical protest against government practices.

Dangers of Marijuana

Dear Editor:  As noted in Bishop DiMarzio’s Put Out in the Deep column (June 16), NYS legislators are making efforts to reduce arrests related to the possession of marijuana. If they succeed marijuana, a psychoactive and addictive drug, will become affordable and easily available. Like you Bishop DiMarzio, I strongly oppose the efforts at the decriminalization of marijuana.

Bearing Witness to The Light

This weekend, we interrupt Ordinary Time to celebrate the Solemnity of the birth of St. John the Baptist. I must admit that as I looked toward this Sunday I thought, “Solemnity”? “St. John the Baptist”?