The Gift of Life

In the creation of a consistent pro-life message, we have been reminded of late that being pro-life means being a supporter of the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death, of the plight of the migrant and refugee to that of the elderly. Yes, being pro-life means more than just being anti-abortion. However, one truly cannot be pro-life if one supports abortion “rights.”

Called and Blessed with Two Vocations

WHEN I WAS in grammar school, I felt a calling. I spoke to my parents and the nuns at school and my pastor. I felt that I needed to be with God.

Relying on Each Other: Natural Family Planning

Married couples have the awesome task of witnessing God’s faithful love to each other, their children and society. Over the years, a couple can expect to face many issues, both big and small. One issue that is constantly brought up during discussions is the planning of family and space of children.

Loves Teen’s Perspective

Dear Editor: I was deeply moved and inspired by reading the eloquent piece written by Jessica Dalonzo (June 2)“I Can Do All Things.”

Social Security’s Future

Dear Editor: It has come to my attention that Social Security and Medicare is in the red. Social Security can still make full payments until 2034 and Medicare’s reserve are to run out by 2026.

Greening of Church Property

Dear Editor: My deepest thanks to Christopher White and The Tablet staff for “Implementing Laudato Si’,”(May 26), informing us about the actions of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., to green unused roads in archdiocesan cemeteries to prevent storm water pollution into local rivers and streams.

Dominican Excellence

Dear Editor: Where I grew up in St. Thomas the Apostle parish, Woodhaven, in the ‘60s, I had a friend who lived across the street. His older sister went to Dominican Commercial H.S. (June 2) and worked in downtown Manhattan for a law firm.

Weapons of Destruction

Dear Editor:  As members of the Kings Bay Plowshares (April 14), we welcome and respect the views of those who write (April 21) in opposition to the defacing and destroying of government property. Our efforts to smash idols and beat swords into plowshares are certainly controversial and should be debated.