Time to Clean House

Dear Editor: With all due respect, we have been getting apologies for the past 30 years all around the world from the Catholic hierarchy on clerical abuse. It’s time to clean house and excommunicate and civilly charge by secular authorities any priests, bishops and cardinals who participated or covered up these crimes. People need to go to jail. People have been leaving the church in droves around the world because of these crimes and coverups.

No Easy Solutions, Just Courage

“RELIGION THAT IS pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

Choosing Joy: Mother Teresa and C.S. Lewis

The thing I remember most about St. Mother Teresa, whose feast is Sept. 5, was her joy. I met her three times in my life. Once when we were giving talks on the same program; once at a Vatican Seminar on Family Life, and once when she asked me to give a week-long retreat to her contemplative novices on joy. She founded two distinct orders, the one she picked for me was her cloistered contemplative community in New Jersey.

A Visible Center of Unity

This past week, Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, made his journey to the World Meetings of Families, sponsored by the Vatican dicastery responsible for ministry to families, laity and life, headed by Cardinal Kevin Farrell. The Diocese of Brooklyn was blessed by a representation of priests and parishioners.

Touched By the Grace of God

IN LAST WEEK’S Gospel, we heard Jesus saying that He was the bread of life. The people with Him at that point most likely had no idea what He was talking about. How could this possibly make sense? The people got confused.

Building the Kingdom

Fourth in a series

I AM HAVING the strangest experience in re-reading Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate” (“Rejoice and Be Glad”). When I first read it weeks ago, I thought it was marvelous and I quickly decided to do a series of columns about it with the hope that I could motivate readers of my columns to read the exhortation

Families, Fathers & Children Honor Sister Ellen

As she marked 31 years of service as the director of religious education at St. Augustine Church in Park Slope, Sister Ellen Glavey, R.S.M., was honored at a champagne brunch given by the prison ministry at St. Augustine’s – Families, Fathers & Children, for which she has been a strong supporter.

Northside Memories

Dear Editor: My parents were married at St. Vincent dePaul in 1955. My mother was saddened to hear that the parish was closed, but was pleased that a developer wanted to preserve the exterior of the building. The building had severe structural problems that the developer had to contend with during the renovation and conversion to dwelling units. (“What Happens to a Building When It’s No Longer a Church?” The Editor’s Space, July 21).

Value of Cathedral Prep

Dear Editor: I’m sure that the value of the high school seminary is discerned, analyzed, and evaluated on a regular basis, but the value of Cathedral Prep can not be measured solely by the number of men who immediately continue ordination studies after graduation.

Living Faith by Example

Dear Editor: I enjoyed Father Cush’s article on Sunday’s Scriptures (“True Fathers Teaching True Faith,” July 21), which included the subsequent lesson of teaching the Gospel message through the way we live our lives.