Name Calling Harms Dialog

Dear Editor: Dwayne Ayers’ letter in the July 28 “Readers’ Forum” contains several references to ideas he calls “liberal.” He uses the term five times. In each instance, this is used in a derogatory manner.

Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Dear Editor: As we approach the 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and as we face increasing threats of new nuclear conflicts, I appeal to the Brooklyn Diocese to address this issue in every church. It is one of the most fundamental pro-life issues we could consider, and it is one of the most Catholic issues that our popes and bishops have been addressing for decades, but one many – perhaps most – Catholics don’t realize is such an integral teaching of our faith.

Let Us Be Bread to The Hungry

LAST SUNDAY WE meditated on the feeding of a hundred people with 20 barley loaves and the miraculous feeding of 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. This weekend, we also read and meditate upon the same theme of bread. From the first reading we hear about God feeding the people of Israel. God provides for them food by sending manna from heaven. The Gospel passage explains about Jesus’ teaching on the Bread of Life.

Invest in Tomorrow’s Catholic Leaders Today

CATHOLICS IN THE United States have excelled in developing amazing structures and resources for pastoral leadership formation at all levels in seminaries, houses of formation, colleges and universities, pastoral institutes, online programs and catechetical formation initiatives, among others.

Patron Saint of Priests Is A Hard Act to Follow

St. Jean Vianney is a “hard act to follow.” As a parish priest for most of the last 38 years of my priesthood in the Diocese of Brooklyn, I have never spent as many hours as he in the confessional.  I may never have ‘run away’ from my parish, but I do take my weekly day off every Friday. I may have gotten better grades in the seminary than he, but I certainly would never compare myself to him in holiness.

Chaste and Charitable

In the wake of scandals that have affected the priesthood and episcopacy that have been so much in view in recent weeks, our attention should once again turn to the role of celibacy and chastity. It is essential for us to come again to a proper understanding of celibacy in the life of the priest and the Church.

True Fathers Teaching True Faith

by Father John P. Cush, STD

FOR THOSE OF us who are priests, the first reading from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah should strike a chord. It should put more than a little bit of fear into our hearts. The prophet writes:

NY Times Details Alleged Abuse By Cardinal, Settlements Received

NEW YORK (CNS) – A front-page New York Times article published July 16 detailed the alleged abuse of two seminarians in the Diocese of Metuchen, N.J., by then-Bishop Theodore E. McCarrick in the 1980s that resulted in settlements to each man.

Former Chilean Chancellor Arrested on Abuse Charges

by Junno Arocho Esteves

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – As the Catholic Church in Chile continues to reel from allegations of clerical sexual abuse and cover-ups, police arrested the former chancellor of the Archdiocese of Santiago on accusations that he had sexually abused minors.