Definition of a Mother

When I was a child, electricity was not available in my town in Vietnam at that time. As I went to sleep, my mom usually made a breeze for me with a fan made of thatch or spathe. Sometimes, it was not hot, but my mom still cooled me off. When I felt a little bit too chilly, I told my mom: “Mom, you do not have to fan me anymore. I am not hot!”

Where Is God When the Tabernacle Is Empty?

On Holy Thursday, I kneeled with the congregation as the priest and a long procession of altar servers moved the Holy Eucharist from the main tabernacle to the side altar, signaling the beginning of Jesus’ passion and death. I never realized how empty it looked without a ciborium. I felt an overwhelming sense of dread and sadness, as if God were no longer with us. 

Learning About Seder

Dear Editor: What a great experience for Catholic school students! (“Model Seder at Divine Wisdom Academy,” April 20)

Father Casey

Dear Editor: Father Anthony Casey and I enjoyed many years of friendship (“Irish-born Father Anthony Casey Was a Priest for 54 Years,” Obituaries, Oct. 2012).

Acceptable Labels

Dear Editor: Alexander Trachtenberg, who died in 1966, was an American publisher of radical political books and pamphlets. He was a longtime activist in the Socialist Party of America and in the Communist Party USA. He once said that when communism came to America it would come under the label of “progressive democracy.” It will come, he said, in labels acceptable to the American people.

K. of C. at St. John’s

Dear Editor: They chose the right person for the job: Victoria O’Keefe (“Catholic Relief Services Gets an Assist from St. John’s Campus,” April 6). She did great work at LIU and now we know that she will continue work at St. John’s University.

A Catholic Solution

Dear Editor: The public has been appalled by the fact that just seven African American students were admitted to Stuyvesant High School. A partial solution: Catholic high schools.

Anti-Catholic Hate Crimes

Dear Editor: It is astonishing some commentators have called the people in the Sri Lanka Easter massacre ‘Easter Worshippers’ (“Easter Attacks on Churches in Sri Lanka Are Tragic, but Hardly Surprising,” April 27).


Dear Editor: Thank you for your April 20, 2019 article “Scammers in Email Pose as Pastors.” I am an officer of the Saint Andrew Avellino Friendship Club and the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners Association and I recently spoke to both groups about phone scammers.

United Through Christ

Dear Editor: I have truly enjoyed reading all of the articles celebrating Holy Week throughout the Brooklyn and Queens diocese (“Our Multi-Ethnic Diocese Is Touched by World News,” Editor’s Space, April 27).