Self-Care Catholicism and Mindfulness

Dear Editor: I was very happy to see the feature entitled Self-Care Catholicism (Aug. 24). It is very important that we care for our whole selves – physically, spiritually, and mentally. However, it was a bit disappointing to see the topic of mindfulness addressed in the culturally accepted form which is Buddhist in nature and therefore not compatible with our Catholic faith.

Another Example of Religious Discrimination

Dear Editor: I read the article online by Wandy Ortiz and am disgusted with the decision of Chirlane McCray. It is obviously another example of religious discrimination. I am inquiring to see if The Tablet, as a Catholic media organization would start an online petition campaign to reverse Ms. McCray’s decision. Thank you!

Maybe It Is Something, God Forbid, More Intentional

Dear Editor: Off the top of my head I can think of only one other New York woman of note whose life made as much of a difference to the city as did that of Mother Cabrini and that is Elizabeth Ann Seaton. There are others, for sure, like Eleanor Roosevelt and Dorothy Day. But to by-pass Mother Cabrini for whom a hospital has been named as well as streets and a housing project is to overlook the obvious.

Mother Cabrini Is the Heroine This City Needs!

Dear Editor: Once again, I congratulate The Tablet for covering this issue (“Mother Cabrini Statue Nixed Despite Vote,” Aug. 24) and this important, yes, very important omission from consideration by the Mayor, as well as the commission assigned to the task of reviewing the matter of increased numbers of statues to honor women of New York.

Verdict Upheld for Cardinal Pell

This past week, Cardinal George Pell, who was the Vatican’s first prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy and who was archbishop of Sydney, had his conviction for sexual offenses upheld by a court of appeals in Melbourne, Australia. The statement by Chief Justice Anne Ferguson read:

Pilgrimage Is About Realizing That the Lord Is in Control

by Sister Shirlee Tremont, M.F.P. This pilgrimage from Great Meadows, New Jersey to Doylestown, Pa., began in early June when Father Mariusz Koch, C.F.R., proposed the possibility to me. At first, I thought it was absurd, but I agreed to pray about it. Once I got the details, I was convinced that it was not for […]

A Lesson About Discipline

by Father Patrick LongalongAside from prayer, I often turn to play the piano to let out stress and frustration and clear my mind so I can see the issue objectively. My hands will just go up and down the keys effortlessly and subconsciously while releasing the tension out of my heart and mind. After a few minutes, I can think of the issue at hand and figure out ways to solve the problem that would be best for everyone involved.