What’s in a Number?

This month, I will celebrate a milestone birthday. I’ve done the math and know what the numbers say, but I have to beg to differ: I do not feel like my age, not by a mile. My optimism and faith, life graced with God’s goodness and wonderful friends and family — these bring a sense of youth that not even lupus flares erase. And, I know I’m not the only one who feels younger or older than her (or his) age:

Diocese of Brooklyn — A ‘United Nations’ of Priests

Dear Editor: Faith is very much alive among immigrant communities (“A ‘United Nations’ of Priests Spend Their Summer in the Diocese,” July 27). Brooklyn is a home for many uprooted and homeless people.There is much to learn from these communities that rely totally on God’s providence.

The Persecution of Middle East Christians

Dear Editor: I must take exception to one statement in (“Malliotakis Decries Persecution Against Christians in Holy Land — S. I. Politician gets a firsthand look at the situation in Israel” Aug. 3), by Allyson Escobar and Alexandria Moyen.

The Culture of Death and Mass Shootings

Dear Editor: I just had the opportunity to read the Tablet from Aug.17, and was struck by the article by Christopher White (“Going Beyond Guns,” Aug. 17) examining the factors motivating gun violence in the U.S.

Mother Frances Cabrini Dismissed

Dear Editor: The committee considering women to be honored with statues asked for names (“Mother Cabrini Statue Nixed Despite Vote,” Aug. 24).  If it is true that Frances Cabrini received more than twice the votes than the next name, then the decision to dismiss her from the list is puzzling if not biased. Is this […]

Pope Emeritus Benedict Responds

In April, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI published an essay written in German and translated into English for the National Catholic Register and Catholic News Agency on the sexual abuse crisis.

Pope Francis’ Vision

Faith & ThoughAnyone who reads this column regularly knows that I am an enthusiastic supporter of Pope Francis and his vision of the church. I find Pope Francis’ insights and his hope inspiring. Throughout my life I have been inspired by some wonderful leaders of the Catholic Church, but in my heart Pope Francis holds a special place.

Defining the Virtue of Humility

by Msgr. Joseph P. Caliseng or banquet that involved assigned seating understands the dynamic at work in today’s Gospel. As invited guests, we all know that we are welcome. The seating arrangement, however, puts that welcome into a different perspective. The presumption, of course, is that the closer one sits to the guest of honor, the more important his or her presence is.

In Praise of Today’s Seminarians

If you’re feeling a bit down about the future of Catholicism in the United States, ask yourself these questions: Why haven’t American seminaries emptied over the past 16 months, as Crisis 2.0 continues to roil the U.S. church and an aggressive media regularly put Catholicism in the worst possible public light?

Friendship: The Heart of Life

by Father Eugene Hemrick“Mom, how is it going?”“Gene, I lost another friend. I guess this goes with the territory of getting older.”