Two Brooklyn Schools Set to Close in June

When the Pope John Paul II Family Academy opened in Bushwick in 2009, the vision was to provide students in one of the poorest areas of the Diocese of Brooklyn with a quality Catholic education made possible by the generous commitment of its benefactors. However, due to a necessary expansion and building repairs, the funding […]

Vatican Says UN Committee Unfairly Attacked Church

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The Vatican said that a report issued by the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child is unfair to the Church. The committee continues to insist that the Vatican compile and publish detailed statistics on clerical sexual abuse of minors and that the pope, as head of the Church, can […]

Salvation, Simply Put: Trust God; Avoid Talking Snakes

by Father Anthony F. Raso I have realized for many years now that I walk, as the saying went when I was a teenager, to a “different drummer.” This manifests itself most clearly in the fact that I find some things to be funny which no one else, perhaps in all of history, has found […]

Responding to the Call to Conversion and Discipleship

by Father Robert Lauder Seventh in a series There are several insights that I like in the essay “Are We Relating to God in a New Way?” by Father Gerald M. Fagin, S.J., which first appeared in the Review for Religious, (November-December, 1993). In the essay, which has been the subject of my columns for […]

Andrew Cuomo and The Liberal Blacklist

by George Weigel Pete Seeger died on Jan. 27, rich in years – 94, to be exact – and in honors: a lifetime-achievement Grammy, the National Medal for the Arts. His death rated a segment on the PBS News Hour, during which the inconvenient fact that Seeger had been a member of the U.S. Communist Party […]

Assisting the Needy

Catholic social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom for navigating past the treacherous partisan shoals that make constructive dialog so difficult these days. Yes, dialog – a blast from the past. This word was very popular in the aftermath of Vatican II and signified a sense of hope that people could find common ground […]

Not So Fast to Commend UN Committee Report

by Sister Mary Ann Walsh Sexual abuse of a minor is a sin and a crime, and no organization can become complacent about addressing it. The Catholic Church has certainly done more than any other international organization to face the problem, and it will continue to lead in doing so. In the U.S., the number […]

Understanding Girls’ Struggles

Youth Reflection: Praising the Work of Those Who Came Before By Olivia Calamia Though there have been many advances for women in modern society, the glass ceiling is an ever-present barrier.  Indeed, the glass ceiling has infested schools; it has inundated houses. The struggle for women is not new, however. The advances today are made, […]

Building Robots through High Fashion

The Nerd Herd, the robotics team from St. Edmund Prep, Sheepshead Bay, can’t wait to showcase their work this year. Composed mainly of seniors, it is their last chance to expand the program, Teach Gracious Professionalism, and hopefully participate in as many competitions as possible. Last year, the FIRST Tech Challenge rookie team spent most […]

Bishop Issues New Organizational Charts for Central Diocesan Administration

Recently, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio presented a re-organization of the Central Diocesan Administration to the curia and to diocesan employees. The Bishop explained, “This structure allows us to conduct the essential services of the diocese and attain our mission of the New Evangelization in the most effective and efficient manner possible.”   He used two charts […]