Courage in Ukraine

Stunning images of priests standing in the midst of protestors and riot police in the Ukraine appeared last week on blogs around the world. Draped in their colorful epitrachelia (stoles worn around the neck) and “armed” only with icons or crucifixes, they cropped up like small oases of peace and prayerful presence straddling a minefield […]

Saying Thank You to Our Parish Volunteers

by Mary Ann Todzia If we check Wikipedia for the definition of “volunteering,” we will find the answer as follows: Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote goodness or improve quality of life. In return, this activity can produce a feeling of self-worth and respect. There is no financial gain […]

Locked in With Jesus’ Love on Valentine’s Day

Christ’s love could be felt in the air this Valentine’s Day thanks to  nearly 100 youth from Brooklyn and Queens who braved the cold winter conditions to attend the Annual Ambassador Youth Lock-in. They spent 15 hours together from 6 p.m. on Friday to 9 a.m. Saturday at St. Benedict the Moor Church,  Jamaica. This […]

New Bishop Prays for the Unborn

Bishop-designate Edward Scharfenberger joined Msgr. Philip Reilly and the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants to pray for the unborn at an abortion clinic in Jamaica on Saturday, Feb. 15. The Rosary vigil was preceded by Mass at Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. Bishop-designate Scharfenberger will be ordained a bishop and installed as the […]

Home Grown

News of the appointment of Msgr. Edward B. Scharfenberger to become the 10th Bishop of Albany, N.Y., is a source of pride and joy for all of us in the Brooklyn Diocese. As well it should be. The new bishop-elect is a product of what represents the best of our heritage. We do not speak […]

Msgr. Scharfenberger Named Bishop of Albany

Pope Francis has named Msgr. Edward B. Scharfenberger, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn who serves as the episcopal vicar for Queens, to be the Bishop of Albany, N.Y., replacing Bishop Howard J. Hubbard who had reached the mandatory retirement age of 75. The pope also appointed Msgr. Andrzej Zglejszewski as an auxiliary bishop […]

Cathedral Club Hears Call To Preserve Catholic Schools (with slideshow)

by Ed Wilkinson Attendees at the annual dinner of the Cathedral Club of Brooklyn received a full serving of information about Catholic education. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, as well as the evening’s main speaker and its honoree, all devoted their remarks to the value of Catholic education and the need to preserve it. Bishop DiMarzio said, […]

Queen Elizabeth to Visit Pope

MANCHESTER, England (CNS) – The Queen of England will visit Pope Francis at the Vatican in April, Buckingham Palace announced. A Feb. 4 statement said Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, will meet the pope on April 3. The queen and prince will visit Rome at the invitation of […]

Petition Urges Pope to Condemn Death Penalty

Religious sisters and pro-life advocates have launched a petition drive to urge Pope Francis to call for an end to capital punishment in the U.S. and to personally intervene in the case of a prisoner in Indiana. The Sisters of Mercy and Cherish Life Circle, a pro-life advocacy group founded by the religious community, launched […]

Pastoral Institute Grads Reflect on Training

  The diocesan Pastoral Institute interviewed two graduates of its three-year Lay Ministry Program who were commissioned as lay pastoral leaders in May, 2013. They were asked about the effects that their participation in the program has had on their lives and ministries. The interviewees were Esmeralda Hidalgo of Our Lady of Fatima parish, East […]