Searching for a Loving God

No one among us is perfect. It is neither unusual nor wrong to feel that something is missing, that we are somehow lost. Yet, that sense of inadequacy is actually God’s invitation to trust in His love. It is his call for us to bleat, shine or turn back knowing that, even when we cannot see it happening, a loving God is waiting and searching.

The Many Angles of Cardinal Pell Case

Dear Editor: I can believe that Cardinal Pell’s accuser was abused in church as a child, but not by the cardinal and not on that date either. The accuser’s life deteriorated shortly after the incident, he quit the cathedral school, started to take drugs, etc.

A Personal Experience at Our Lady of Knock Shrine

Dear Editor: I visited Knock some years ago with my wife and grown son, as part of a “Ring of Ireland” tour that also took us to Killybegs, my father-in-law’s birthplace in Donegal. This was after St. John Paul II had visited the shrine, and before Pope Francis made the same trip.

The Answer Lies in the Book of Genesis

Dear Editor: More on Darwinism: it doesn’t explain human language (“Getting Beyond Darwin,” Aug. 24). Animals have their own language which is limited to expressions regarding food, sex and emotional states such as alarm at the presence of a predator. But humans, having a rational soul with intellect and will, can communicate thoughts about art, philosophy, religion and morality.  Risibility the ability to laugh at incongruity, is something only humans have.

Sept. 11 and the Cross

A priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn who was ordained a few brief years before 2001 related this story, reflecting on the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001:

Archangel Raphael Among Us

I recently completed my eighth silent retreat in the Abbey of Gethsemani near Bardstown, Ky. Its most famous monk was Thomas Merton, and aside from the appeal of silently praying among the same trees he did, I have been drawn there for the immensity of God’s presence I find there. While God is certainly everywhere, I think he vacations in Kentucky!

Back-to-School Essentials

It’s back-to-school time! Summer is coming to an end and now it’s time to get ready to start a new school year. One of the ways to help make sure you have an awesome school year is to make sure you have the right school supplies. Also, it’s good to strengthen your faith to help you get through each school day. Here are some cool things you could get for school and tips on strengthening your faith for the upcoming school year.

Diocesan Assignments: September 7, 2019


Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato, from pastor of St. Athanasius, Bensonhurst, and from administrator of St. Dominic, Bensonhurst, to pastor of the newly-merged parish of Saint Athanasius – Saint Dominic, Bensonhurst, while remaining coordinator of ministry to the Italian immigrants, effective, Sept. 1.

Costs of Discipleship

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise recting a Matt Talbot retreat for men at the Cormaria Retreat House in Sag Harbor, L.I. The retreat is for men recovering from alcoholism and trying to live according to the spiritual principles of the Twelve Steps. These steps, which serve as guideposts to recovery from addiction, are based indirectly […]