Working on the Court in DR

“The people of La Guama have very little, but they are like the happiest people on earth,” said rising senior Melody Roberts. “Everyone in La Guama looks out for one another. They care. They are one big happy family.”

International Help Needed to Liberate Iraq

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis’ personal envoy to the suffering people of Iraq joined the Chaldean Catholic patriarch in launching an appeal to the international community Aug. 18, pleading for help to liberate villages controlled by the Islamic State (IS) terrorists and to provide the displaced with international protection.

Pope Urges Dialogue, Forgiveness in Korea

SEOUL, South Korea (CNS) – Pope Francis told Korean Catholics that the reunification of their divided peninsula as well as the harmony of South Korean society depend on the practice of Gospel virtues, especially charity and forgiveness.

Something Had to Be Done

At the Papal Angelus on Sunday, Aug. 10, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, said of the situation in Iraq: “The news coming from Iraq leaves us incredulous and appalled,” and “All this seriously offends God and seriously offends humanity…You cannot bring hatred in the name of God. You cannot make war in the name of God!”

Xaverian Goes to Huntington on Retreat

“It was truly an amazing spiritual journey and learning experience for everyone involved,” said senior leader Christopher Cali. “This experience has allowed us to grow closer together as a Xaverian community and family. What made this retreat even more special was the way that it brought together kids from all different parts of the school and encouraged them to forge unexpected friendships.”

Catholic Relief Services Responds to Gaza War

AMMAN, Jordan (CNS) – A top Catholic charity official described Gaza as a “complete catastrophe” after nearly four weeks of fighting between Israel and the Palestinian militant Hamas.

A Providential Recipe For Celiac Sufferers

With a tried and true recipe, the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have been producing altar breads and distributing them since 1910. But in the early 1990s, they began to receive telephone calls from individuals who had a unique need for a different recipe: They suffered from celiac disease and could not receive holy Communion in the form of the usual, wheat-based hosts.

Pope Francis’ Optimism

Fourth in a series

Going through Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel,” for the third or fourth time, I have been thinking about why I find his writing so inspiring.

Casting Aside Our Fears

Flying back to New York from Rome in late June to begin my service as a summer priest at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Windsor Terrace, I had the opportunity to watch some films that I had wanted to watch and had always put off viewing.

Molloy Teens in Nicaragua

“The children of MSC taught me that you don’t need material items or money to be happy,” she said. “They just wanted someone to love them